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ON GOD she's so pretty bro




My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married.


Kira looks like she needs a friend to stay with her in that loop. If so, I volunteer ✋


hola no me gusto el juego no ensena las tetas


god she is so fine, I NEED HERRR!! i am so gay for kira </3


Ok listen I'm not gay but kira make me want to kiss her

I love this


she's so hot, dude i can't

(1 edit) (+3)

It was a fun (mild) Yandere Visual Novel (VN) !!!! The art style is GREAT! 

I am so happy I found all the endings on my own, I feel like such an experienced VN-Gamer lol! 

I am very curious what story you will come up with in the next game! Keep up the good work!

aw thank you! glad you enjoyed it :,^)






I feel quite bad, like yeah she stabbed me that one time but she's stuck in a neverending loop and she's incredibly aware of it. Technically we get to leave, but she can't. She knows her existence relies on the player playing the game and she can do nothing about it. Freedom for Kira.


FREEDOME FOR KIRA! I feel so bad ToT I feel like we'd be friends irl ngl (We as in Kira and I, I'm not a creep I'm sorry lol)


would have been better if u could piss on things like postal two


If I only could eat your whole art style...Wish i could live in a world with the same atmosphere as this game


Heloo! My fravorite ending was the third hahahaha she is cute and Cr@Zy asf but nice game, I like it very much

(1 edit)

hope you somehow continue this games story it fells like she is getting more self-aware as the game goes on i want to help her


10/10 The looping meta aspects of the game are perfect!. Reminds me of Doki Doki a bit. Also given that theres 5 endings and all of them take around 10 minutes to find is great.It takes the usual visual novel style and adds to it.

i loved it :3


I played all endings, it was cool for a short game and i liked the art.It was just too short for me and unfortunatly too easy to get all endings.

thank you for your work

2/5 stars


how the hell do you create games like this?? I've been wanting to create this style game as of late but I'm unsure hohooowww :0 BUT OMD This game was amazing- it's a long the lines of DDLC unsettling, Cheery, atmosphere, but we know things are off- CREATOR GOSEND<3 AND THANK YOU 4 THE ART<3 

aw thank you :,^] !!


Practice dates are cool and all but can we loosen the ropes a bit? Loved the game!


thank you for playing!

If you were tied up to a hot woman and you have the chance to escape, would I do it? ofcourse not

practice date ending :(


"What are yOu?" Look... I'm... a... POATAT! *Turns into a potat* "the fu" (Also, this is like really good and I love your art style!"


This game is so good! cute artstyle cute everything really! 10/10

thank you so much :0) !


i highkey need her




Struggled to get the last ending, but this was a fantastic game! Loved all of the elements that I didn't expect.





this was super fun to play!
i rly like the endings <3

thank you!



Gave this game a whirl, got all the endings and really enjoyed it!


got all the endings in a day, love this game n love Kira sm <3

pretty fun date! go give my gameplay a watch please!


The Language Settings got me >:


loved this game <3. got all the endings surprisingly fast unlike you stole my heart (had to grind for that one). I wonder if there's any secret ending or something.


your art is so cool bro i love the way you colour

thank you!


she's so pretty


is the pizza rat dialog a reference to Charlie the pizza rat from yuuri voice, or am I just reading to much into it

i have no idea what that is. pizza rat was a last minute joke a friend suggested

ok sorry. its an asmr character for the small context thank you for your time

all good! thank you for playing

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